Japanese : シンガポールの地区大会 WEST COAST CLASSIC 1A部門はクリストファーチアとマーカスコウが出場する地区大会というナショナルコンテストレベルの地区大会。
本日開催されクリストファーチアがANGLAM Ver.CCで優勝した。

1st Christopher Chia
2nd Marcus Koh
3rd Tan Yao Kun

English : West Coast Classic in Singapore is known for the NATIONALS level regional contest since Singapore Champion Christopher Chia and 2nd in the Worlds2012 Marcus Koh are both in the same regionals.
Today they held the contest in Singapore and this year Christopher Chia won by far with using his own signature model “ANGLAM Ver.CC”.

1st Christopher Chia
2nd Marcus Koh
3rd Tan Yao Kun
